Dundee Discovery Point
Dundee Discovery Point Client: Dundee Discovery Point Role: Creative Director Description: Art directed and creatively produced this 8 screen 360 film for Dundee Discovery Point, working with a team of 3d artists to recreate Dundee in 1901. Screens 3/4...
Nottingham Castle
Nottingham Castle Client: Nottingham Castle Role: Designer, prototyping and animation Description: I worked on the design of several AR digital ceramic games and other animated quizes, including an app to design your own salt glazed pottery. Animated interactive quiz...
Cornwall Maritime Museum: Monsters of the Deep
Cornwall Maritime Museum: Monsters of the Deep – Barker sideshow Client: Cornwall Maritime MuseumRole: Designer, CompositorDescription: I created a digital Victorian sideshow stage set to project onto a physical stage. We shot green screen...